I'm not going to lie; I'm pretty apprehensive about writing this blog. I have read quite a few travel blogs lately, and they all seem incredibly witty, insightful and full of adventure. Either way, I have to write it, I'm looking forward to writing it and I hope that you all enjoy it =)
First things first (as first things normally are). I'm writing this blog for MIISP, or Michigan International Internships and Service Projects. It's a group @ UM that helps students with all aspects of internships abroad. As a way of promoting the group, all the members are keeping blogs of their time abroad. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but this blog should be connected with about 10 other blogs, so those might be interesting to read, too! I wrote this blog post three weeks before I am going because I haven't put too much thought into this trip yet (although the length of this post says otherwise), so these thoughts are really my initial thoughts. I may do another one a day or two before I leave with final concerns/fears/joys/ect.
As you probably know (especially if you read the 'about me' section of the blog), I'm going to Managua, Nicaragua (say THAT 10 times fast!) in three weeks for a month with a UM group called ATRAVES. We are going to run health clinics and teach English. Although we have the opportunity to participate in both the health component and the education component, I think I am going to stick with teaching English for three reasons. One/Uno: Most of the kids in ATRAVES are pre-med. Two/Dos: I hate, hate, HATE blood and anything, shall we say, 'icky'. They probably don't want me passing out when I'm doing examinations, so I think it is best for all involved that I stay as far way from the health clinic as possible. Three/Tres: Although I don't plan on teaching ESL for the rest of my life, if I don't get into grad school next year, I would like to go abroad for a year or two and teach English. I've 'taught' French in Senegal and tutored English at Jewish Family Services, so this experience should sit well with Fulbright/Peace Corps/MSU, or whatever I plan on doing.
And now, boys and girls, we come to the part of the blog where I explain how SCARED I am to go =( . Simply put, I'm nervous. I think the main reason why I'm so scared is because I don't know the language. I've brought this concern up with a number of people, and people keep telling me that I can "get by" in the country without knowing Spanish and that my French abilities will really help me out. Okay. Here's the deal. I don't WANT to just "get by" in Nicaragua. I don't want a month being totally confused, unable to ask people for help, not being able to talk about my real family with my host family and trying to translate everything I see into French. I don't think that is a good way to experience the Nicaraguan culture. Basically, I guess I'm worried that I'm wasting my time because I don't know the language and that I won't get much out of the experience. That being said, I know that Spanish is not going to magically pop into my brain one day, so I've been trying to be proactive and I bought a Spanish for Dummies Book, haha! I'm trying =)
One thing that I'm really excited about is living with a host family again! Despite the small amount of free time I'll have, I'm hoping to spend that time with my family and get to know them (another reason why I'm worried about my Spanish skills, or lack thereof). I went abroad last year to Dakar, Senegal for 5 months and I feel like I didn't really connect with my host family. I've thought about this a lot and I came to the conclusion that I was spending too much time with my American friends (Shout-out to the toubabs! I *heart* you all!!!!). I was there for a long time and I didn't want to be a total outcast with the people I was going to school with and taking trips with, so I made an effort to be with them. Although I'm glad I did that and I have met some of the greatest people on that trip, I feel like my effort to make American friends hurt my relationship with my host family. So, this time around, I'm hoping to change that. To be honest, I don't really care if I make a lot of American friends on this trip. I think it is going to be most important to me to spend time with my family and in the city. In other words, if I have the chance to go away for a weekend with a few Americans or have a relaxing weekend with my family in Managua, I want to stay home. I think that I will get the most of this trip, culturally speaking, if I do that.
I'm also a bit worried about the lack of free-time that I'll have. I expected the internship to be structured and I appreciate that I'll be working during most of the day, but I'm a bit bummed that we have this thing called 'reflection'. Here's the rundown of what my day will look like: leave for work @ 8 (oh dear God!), leave for home @ 4, spend time with family, meet up for 'reflection' @ 7. It just seems that I have a very limited amount of time with my family. However, I guess this means that I will be able to put a lot of energy into lesson plans and teaching, so I will be well liked by the kids!
Now for the things that I'm really excited about:
1) I get another stamp on my passport! I just got my passport last year (well, I guess two years ago because it was in 2008) and it already has a visa and several pages of stamps =) ...however, I was quite sad when I realized that Nicaragua was NOT in South America and I wouldn't be able to cross off another continent on my "things to do before I die" list.
2) I'll be able to speak (or semi-speak) Spanish when I get back! Not only will I be able to speak Spanish, but it will be with a Nicaraguan accent. I already speak French with a Senegalese "spin", so why not add to my non-European accent repertoire?
3) I'll have a tan when I get back =) Enough said.
4) This may be a bit dorky, but I'm really excited for my layovers. I have two eight hour layovers (one going there and one coming back) and I'm JACKED! I really like airports and watching airplanes =). I also have window seats on all four flights !
5) I'M GOING TO SEE A VOLCANO!! And I'm going to climb it!! Mwahaha!
6) I'm going to buy Nicaraguan jewelery!
7) It's only a month, so if I get homesick, I'll be home in less than 4 weeks =) Always a good thing!
8) I want to get some really cute photos with some cute little kids! Honestly, nothing is cuter. Not even a sleeping puppy cuddling with an Elmo stuffed animal.
9) Until I open my mouth and reveal my Anglophone-ness, I think I'm going to fit in in Nicaragua (especially when I tan up a bit)
10) Last but not least, Managua is near the Pacific Ocean. Two 'goals' on my list of "things to do before I die" (YES, I do have such a list) are to 'play in all four oceans' and 'see a sunset over an ocean'. I hope to kill two birds with one stone and go swimming at sunset =)
Finally, I was perusing my old blog the other day, so I'm going to close this post with a quote from my (slightly) younger self.
By the way, that’s the new attitude I’m trying to adopt here: I’ll never do this again in my life, so even if I don’t like it, I’m going to be positive about it." 03/19/2009
Much love,
I'm looking forward to reading all about your daily adventures...hopefully not as dangerous as in Africa, like the gunman in the street. I love you